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Colon Cancer Screening

A colonoscopy is an exam that allows your doctor to look at the inner lining of your large intestine (rectum and colon). Your physician uses a thin, flexible tube called a colonoscope to look for any changes or abnormalities. During the colonoscopy, your doctor may take tissue samples for biopsies or remove abnormal growths called polyps. You will get IV medication to put you to sleep to keep you comfortable during your procedure. On average, the colonoscopy exam takes 20 to 40 minutes.

Preparing for Your Colonoscopy Exam

You must speak with your endoscopy nurse before the date of your colonoscopy. The nurse will obtain a basic health history and will review your pre-exam/prep instructions with you.

During your phone call with the Ohio Valley Endoscopy nurse, you will be instructed what time to arrive at Ohio Valley. Please check in at the front desk when you arrive. After you register, you will be escorted back to the pre-procedure area to have your vital signs taken. You will change into a gown provided by Ohio Valley. Your physician will talk with you before you are given sedation.

After your colonoscopy is completed, you will be moved to a recovery area until you are ready to go home. You will be offered something to drink (do not bring food or beverages from home). You may be surprised at how quickly you feel ready to leave, and you can expect to be at Ohio Valley Surgical Hospital for about 2 to 3 hours.

Learn more about what to expect from your visit.

PLEASE NOTE: During your colonoscopy, your physician may determine that it is necessary to obtain a biopsy sample or remove a polyp for further study.

For further information about colonoscopies at OVHS, please call 937.521.3900.

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