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Special Instructions On the Day of Your Procedure

On the day of your procedure, please check in at the Reception Desk located in the hospital lobby.

  • Please do not wear nail polish, makeup, contact lenses, or jewelry to the hospital. No chewing gum, mints, or candy, please.
  • Bring your driver's license/identification card and health insurance cards/forms with you. Depending on your insurance, you may also be asked to bring your copayment, coinsurance, or deductible.
  • Do not bring any medications to the hospital. All medications will be provided to you by Ohio Valley Surgical Hospital. Please bring a complete list of your medications, with dose and frequency.
  • Choose low-heeled shoes and loose, comfortable clothes which are easy to put on, take off, and fold. Avoid garments that pull over your head. Sleeves and pant legs should be loose enough to fit over bandages, if necessary.
  • Please review the Patient's Rights and Responsibilities, located at the Reception Desk.
  • If applicable, please bring a protective case for your dentures, eyeglasses, or hearing aids. Your physician will inform you if you will need crutches or a walker.
  • After you have registered at the front desk, a nurse will escort you into the pre-operative area where your vital signs will be checked. You will be asked to change into a gown that will be provided. Until you are ready to be discharged, your valuables will be placed in a secure locker or given to the responsible adult who accompanied you to the hospital.
  • It is our policy that a responsible adult remains at the hospital for the duration of your surgical procedure.
  • Your anesthesiologist and surgeon will visit you before surgery. For endoscopy (colonoscopy, etc.), your physician will talk with you before the procedure.
  • After your procedure, you will be moved to a recovery area until you are ready to go home or be moved to a second-floor hospital room. Here you will be offered a light snack or drink (please do not bring food from home).
  • Children must not be left unattended in the waiting room and are not permitted in restricted areas. This policy is for their safety and the safety of our patients. If you choose to bring children to Ohio Valley, please be sure that they have adequate supervision.

If you are unable to keep your appointment, or you are delayed, please contact us immediately at 937.521.3900