Thomas Rak
Proud Investor of Ohio Valley Surgical Hospital
- Primary Specialties:
- Gender: Male
- Medical School
Medical College of Ohio
Toledo, OH
- Residency
Wayne State University
Detroit, MI
Detroit Medical Center and Grace Hospital
Detroit, MI
- Fellowship
Cosmetic Surgery Fellowship
Miami Beach, FL
- Board Certification
- American Board of Plastic Surgery
Medical Interests
Areas of Interest:
Cosmetic Surgery: Facelift; Blepharoplasty; Rhinoplasty; Liposuction; Breast Augmentation; Lifts; Reductions; Abdominoplasty; Hand Surgery: Carpal Tunnel Syndrome; Cubital Tunnel Syndrome; Flexor and Extensor Tendon Injuries; Hand Fractures; Skin Cancer: Screening & Treatment; Breast Reconstruction: after Mastectomies; Laser: Skin Resurfacing; Tattoo Removal; Hair Reduction; Skin Care: Botox; Soft Tissue Fillers; Chemical Peels; Skin Products