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Ohio Valley Sports Medicine

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1st Team Safe Sports School Award

Ohio Valley Sports Medicine congratulates our partner schools, Northeastern High School and Kenton Ridge High School, for earning a 1st Team Safe Sports School Award.

Both schools received this national award from the National Athletic Trainer’s Association (NATA) for providing a safe environment for student athletes, reinforcing the importance of providing the best level of care, injury prevention and treatment.

In order to achieve the Safe Sports School status, athletic programs must demonstrate the following:

  • Create a positive athletic health care administration system
  • Provide or coordinate pre-participation physical examinations
  • Promote safe and appropriate practice and competition facilities
  • Plan for selection, fit, function and proper maintenance of athletic equipment
  • Provide a permanent, appropriately-equipped area to evaluate and treat injured athletes
  • Develop injury and illness prevention strategies, including protocols for environmental conditions
  • Provide or facilitate injury intervention
  • Create and rehearse a venue-specific Emergency Action Plan
  • Provide or facilitate psycho-social consultation and nutritional counseling/education
  • Be sure athletes and parents are educated about the potential benefits and risks in sports as well as their responsibilities

According to NATA President, Scott Sailor, “this award recognizes the contributions and commitment of schools across the country that are implementing safe sports policies and best practices to ensure athletes can do what they love best and have the appropriate care in place to prevent, manage and treat injuries should they occur.”

Congratulations to Northeastern High School and its Athletic Trainer, Shila Obee!

Congratulations to Kenton Ridge High School and its Athletic Trainer, Justin Stanfill!